We decided to launch KAAAL in honor of the philosophy and work of Prof. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o who has called on us African People to decolonize our minds. It is important to re-educate and remind ourselves and the world that the civilization that impacted the world to the present day, was an African language civilization KEMET.
In adopting this name we hope to remind people of African decent and the the world that ‘Ancient Egypt’ was an African civilization and through this act of remembering reclaim our lost history. Whilst the culture had contact with people from other civilizations, it was essentially African in its culture in addition to being geographically in Africa.Greek philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, writers and poet went to Kemet to learn and study.
To recognize organizations and individuals that have committed themselves to contributing towards the importance of African languages in empowering and developing the continent; that have contributed to literature, history, development, culture, politics, gender, environment and Science & Technology.